My Story

Hola, I’m Emily

I’m a writer with a day job in digital marketing, an academic background in journalism and an interest in shaping words into whatever format best tells the story.

View from Las Setas. Photo by The Spanish Berry

Every story needs a setting

There are places that capture your imagination and views that take your breath away. There are lands, languages and people that captivate your heart forever.

This is one such place.

Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain

This bright city in the south of the country has almost every stereotype you can think of: flamenco, tapas, a bull ring and sunshine, but there is so much more than this, if you know where to look.

Everywhere and nowhere

“Where are you from?” they asked.

“Seville” I replied.

“No, but where are you really from?”

If this conversation sounds familiar, you might be a TCK.

What’s your story?

I was born in England and grew up in Spain. I’m from a rural town and a sunny city. I have a particular love for a picturesque spot on the Spanish-Portuguese border full of childhood memories and mingling cultures.

Words help us make sense of the world. Join me as we explore life, one story at a time.